Brakelight Switch - Volvo PV / P1800 / Amazon

Brakelight Switch - Volvo PV / P1800 / Amazon
Brakelight Switch - Volvo PV / P1800 / Amazon
Brakelight switch for Volvo PV, P1800 and Amazon untill 1967.

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Shipping costs

€ 9,95

€ 11,00 *
Price per unit

Brakelight switch for the Volvo PV-series, early P1800 and Amazon. WIth a '67 or earlier Volvo it's a good idea to check the brake light function often. The most common failure is the hydraulic brake light switch. To test that the wiring is not the problem, pull the two wires from the switch and, with the key on, touch the tips of the two wires together. Have a friend tell you whether the brake lights function. If the lights function while crossing the wires but not when you step on the pedal it's likely the switch has failed. To replace the switch you'll need: One 7/8" wrench to remove the switch and a good set of Vise-Grips to keep the junction block from turning. If you proceed quickly, there should be no need to bleed the brake system.

Potential Product Fitment Issues

Early models 1962-1966 had screw-on terminals. If your car still has that style of terminal you will have to change to push-on spade type of terminal for this switch.

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